Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My Baby Boy- The Wild One

Okay, getting used to having another "baby" after SR took some getting used to, but I've been a part of his life since he was 6 months old. Many people don't even realize he is not mine biologically. He calls me Nana and sometimes Mamma. In a couple of months,this little boy with the missing front teeth will be 7 years old.

R is special because...
* he's just so darn cute
* he wants to be loved so much
* he lost his mommy when he was 3 years old
* his parents were divorced before he was ever born
* he is so sweet
* he tries so hard
* he is our baby
* my parents adore him
* he loves to draw
* he is his daddy's son
* he is so eager to please
* he is the last child I will ever have
posted by Staci @ 1:16 PM |


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