Sunday, November 06, 2005
Alive and Well
Hi guys,Just wanted to let everyone know that surgery went well and I am at home recovering.
It was so quick that it concerned me a little. The doc had told me that the surgery would take about 5-7 hours and that I would be very sore and he would keep me 1 or 2 days.
Well, it didn't take but 3 hours - instead of a hernia, my abdominal muscle had rolled up causing a protrusion. He fixed that and rebuilt the "girls" and I was outa there, yep, sent home the same day! DH said I asked him if I got fries with that drive through surgery. That was quick.
I have the best husband ever. He has taken such good care of me, fluffing my pillows, helping me up, he set me us a tv stand with snacks, drinks, meds, remote, and True Story magazine. This morning he washed my hair and gave me a sponge bath.
He may have his share of faults, as they all do but I am so truly blessed in the husband department.
As I type, he and N are gone hunting. I am laying on the couch watching the Saints game. Please let them win. They have had a really rough time of it. SR is here playing nurse for me.
Well, it is slow pecking and I'm getting tired.
Will write more soon.
posted by Staci @ 1:54 PM |