Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Thinking Positive

Okay, that is going to be my challenge for the next few days. Those of you who know me, know that my dad is 82 years old and just recently had a total knee replacement which went without a hitch. Then out of the blue, he had an attack of some sort where he could not breath. He was rushed to the hospital and after a million tests, they couldn't figure it out. But, that was God's divine PLAN. Now if he hadn't had this bizarre and mystery bout with shortness of breath, we'd probably never known he was a walking time bomb that could blow any moment. There are no symptoms, per se.

By accident, it was discovered that he has an enlarged aortic aneurysm that must be taken care of. Last week, the day before my surgery, he underwent a heart cath to see if his heart was strong enough to undergo the surgery. He had two options: 1. to see if he was a candidate of having stintst put in through his groin and not be cut open and 2. open from sternum to groin and repair it by hand.

Well we found out yesterday that he is NOT a good candidate for the stints and will have to undergo the other route of surgery. I didn't have a good night last night after finding out and have been very worried, but my very wise oldest sister reminded me this morning that this all happened for a reason and if God had intentions of taking him, then we would have never known it was there. So I am taking that route in "positive thinking" and going to replace all negatives with a positive starting right now.

He is strong, he is resilient, he is the strongest man i have ever met in my life. He is my daddy and I am not ready to lose him and I WON'T!!!!
He is going to get through this, he has a wonderful outlook and even has requested that they put in a feeding tube to make sure he gets enough nourishment because he doesn't eat well following surgery, or anytime really.

So if you know me, if you don't know me, it doesn't matter. Just take a minute of your time and say prayer for my daddy, Eldred Scoggins, that he will be fine and come through this surgery with flying colors.
It is really a good thing that I am off right now, my oldest sister is not working either so we have already planned on taking turns with our mom to sit up at the hospital with him. I am sure it will be a long stay.

Daddy, you will be fine. I love you and I will always be your little girl. Just keep the faith...
posted by Staci @ 8:04 AM |


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