Sunday, June 12, 2005

SPAM, don't you hate it!!!

If I receive one more junk email or piece of spam that says "get it up again" or "treatment for erectile dysfunction" I am going to flip my lid. First of all, these are coming to my work email addy. I get almost 40 unsolicited, junk emails per day. God forbid, I forget to check it for a few days, last time, it was 142 emails, with not one that was sent to me by anyone I know or care to know.

I have spam blocker but it still comes into my junk folder. I don't get all that crap at my home email address. Those things drive me crazy.

I have tried blocking the sender, bouncing them back and unsubscribing and they keep coming with a vengeance. I think the more you delete them, they keep coming. They are like little sperm just dying to get at that one little egg and they work and work till someone lets them in. Okay, terrible analogy but good grief! This has got to end!
posted by Staci @ 12:24 PM |


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