Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Just Plain POOPED!!

Jonah is such the little helper and Jaz is having her a blast!

I am just pooped!
I am not used to having a toddler around.
I got Jonah Man about 9pm last night.
By the time we played with the doggies and got our pj's on and got into bed, it was 11:20. Then J wasn't real sure about sleeping with DH and me so he squirmed and rubbed his eyes till about 1am.

Then beginning at 2am, Sinna, my precious 4 legged baby decided that she needed to tee tee every 30 minutes- probably those babies pressing on her bladder.

So when 5:50 came this morning, I got up like a good lil fill in mommy would and played and bathed and dressed, etc.
He came to work with me and whew! You can definitely tell I am not used to running around after ambulatory children. Up until 3 weeks ago, all of my "babies" were in wheelchairs but then Hurricane L came. Well, today, J man had himself a bona fide blast. He pushed Jaz around in her wheelchair and she just cackled and laughed and snorted. He is so sweet and such a good little boy. He feeds himself and is very clean and very smart! Must take after his "TT NeeNee"

He wore us all out and finally fell asleep in my arms about 3:15pm. He'll go to Memaw's (my mom's)tonight and stay with her tomorrow.

Beautiful Baby Belle is doing fine.
Still haven't gotten to lay eyes on her.
I'm hoping by tomorrow that I will have a picture of her.
posted by Staci @ 1:26 PM |


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