Monday, March 27, 2006

No DTs Yet!

Well, its Monday, Day 1 of the Detox and so far so good. I got my 1/2 gallon of water, my fruits and veggies and am good to go for right now. Although I do have a headache, which is probably from caffiene withdrawals...

I had a wonderful weekend. It was nothing special but it was nice. Since we were supposed to go to the concert (see Lisa's Blog to get the low down) we were childless all weekend and took full advantage. Studmuffin and I ran off to Vicksburg, went to the boat, won a little chump change, ate good , shopped a little and spent some good quality time together(the most important thing). Things were so calm and it was like we were both so glad just to be alone together. I love that man more today than the day I married him and just thinking of all the things we have had to deal with and all the crap that we have endured and conquered- to have come through it with more love and respect for each other just makes it even more of a blessing.

Then Saturday night we got together with J and B for some Spades. It had been way too long since we had gotten together and we were all ready for some competitive fun and relaxation. I started out sipping on a drink (salty dog) and before the night was over, I was wasted and had to be "tucked into bed" as J described it. Studmuffin said I well deserved it and that I was a hilarious drunk. No, I don't drink that much but I ended up having way too many and it hit me all of a sudden... I didnt have a hangover the next morning but my stomach was on fire from all that vodka....

Sunday, i visited momma and daddy, did some laundry and watched Desperate Housewives. Finally not a rerun.All in all it was a restful, enjoyable weekend. I didn't look at homework or paperwork. Now its Monday and back to reality. I have a new student today and she is absolutely beautiful and just as sweet as she can be. She is in my lap as we speak. Apparently she wants to learn how to type.

This is how well she did on her first training...
kujnj iiiiluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhuyh 76tgv
great job, huh!

Later taters
posted by Staci @ 11:02 AM |

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