Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Time to Start Again

I start back to class tonight. I am taking 3 night classes this semester, School Law, History of American Education, and Organization and Supervision of Special Education. I am really not looking forward to this semester, which is kind of unusual for me, I usually love starting a new class and meeting new people, but I guess I am just tired of school.

I will have Dr. L for the History and Law class and although he is a great teacher and you learn a lot, he keeps you the full entire 3 hours down to the minute, his motto is that with his classes "You are going to get what you pay so dearly for". Okay, that is good and all but I've given them so much of my money lately that a few more dollars for some early dismissals won't bother me a bit... know what I mean...

Another reason I am probably not into this semester is that usually I have classes that apply to what I am doing or what I will be doing, but this is law and history, how much more boring can you get. I'll learn all these cases and dates and names and memorize them for the tests and not retain a dang thing. Classes where I am learning something that is interesting, that I can apply to my everyday job are very easy for me to learn and retain.

And now, my supervisor comes in and tells me that our numbers for early childhood are way down and since 4 of my 5 students will be moving up to an older group next year, that I may not have a multidisability classroom next year. But, she says, I could split up the older group and have two different sections, but you would have to go get your certification in mild/moderate retardation. I don't think so sister, I have gone to school enough and I am not going some more just to do the same thing I have been doing for the last 4 years. It's not happening. When I finish in August, that is it unless it is a state or federal mandate for me to take a class or lose my job. So who knows what I will be doing and where next year. I know that I better stay in a Title I school so I can get $17,500 of my school loans paid off in 2 years. That is how we have kept our heads above water the last few years, with tuition about $5,000 a year. Whew!

Okay, I've vented now I gotta go work.
posted by Staci @ 11:04 AM |


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