Monday, December 05, 2005


Well it nearly took 15 hours but we got the majority done. I now can see my dining room table, can walk in the door without completing an obstacle course, and most importantly, can see the fruits of our labor.

DH and I painted and cleaned and dusted and vacuumed and painted and cleaned and dusted and rearranged till we nearly dropped to our death at midnight. Its not perfect yet, but my pictures are back on the wall and it is definitely manageable now.

We took family portraits this past Saturday. My lil' sis has a knack for photography so we give her as much experience as her camera can handle. It was like a photo shoot. J and I giggled as we were laying on a bed of leaves saying this was the closest we would ever get to Playboy- fully clothed and on our backs. Tee hee.

The parade was a success and it was so much fun. My arms hurt from throwing candy and cups. Even though it was almost 80 degrees, the weather turned out nice and not a drop of rain through the whole thing.

My dad hopefully gets to come home today. The girls and I went and cleaned their house spick and span yesterday too, so there would be no germies floating around.
He is doing so well. I think I have the strongest parents that anyone can have. They are 82 and 74 and when they are not sick, they will work you under the table, hands down. It keeps them young and healthy though.

Well, my hubby left me a to do list this morning. I have to say, he has been quite pleasant the last two days, almost back to himself. It must have been the clutter and the humongous list of things to do before we can get back to normal. He did not stop yesterday and I hardly could keep up with him. He was washing dishes and vacuuming at 11:30pm. Anyhow, back to the to do list, I have to:

call dude about installing the woodburning fireplace
find a check from the insurance company
call about my disability check which I haven't seen nor hide not tail of yet
pay bills (if I can find them)
go get my nails and toes done (yes, this too was on HIS list)
send pics to Shutterfly

Well, I didn't see blogging on the list so I guess I'd better get started. I must see the chiropractor today no matter what.

Have a great Monday!
posted by Staci @ 5:59 AM |


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