Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Daddys, Detox and Don King


First for those of you asking how my dad is doing. He's still in the hospital, they took the n-g tube out, still not giving him anything by mouth (since Sunday, bless his heart), did a CAT scan this morning. He's still in pain and starving but he has a great attitude as usual and is flirting with the nurses (remember he is 83 years old), so all is well for the time being. The other doctor, the regular one says no kidney problems so we don't know what the kidney specialist was talking about...


It is Day 3 of the 14 day Detox plan and so far so good I guess. I have been having a lot of headaches, probably from no caffiene and my brain wants sugar but my mind has taken over and won't allow me to do it. The biggest problem has been drinking 3 quarts of water a day. Its really, really hard and I sip on water from the time I get up till the time I go to bed. The food isn't that bad. I just munch on veggies and fruit all day long. I do feel a little better. I popped up out of the bed this morning while Studmuffin was still snoozing and he said "this detox thing must be working since you sprung up like a chicken this morning..." Time will tell.

Don King

Just let me say that there is two things that I would love to have from my soul sisters, their rythmn and a round tush but I am soooo glad that I don't have the hair. One of my babies' hair was so matted up and dirty and she was so dirty from no bath (I usually give her one once a week- I guess that is the only one she gets) so I decided to take on the task of bathing and washing her hair. Let me just say there is a lot I need to learn about washing black people's hair. Oh my gosh, when I got through with her she looked like Don King and that is no exageration. It took three grown women to hold her and comb it and blow dry it to get it in some kind of order. It is now in 6 different sections and we have taken a break before we start plaiding it...It took us an hour just to wash, comb, dry and seperate. I do have to say that I now know why her mom doesn't do it more than once a month but damn! That stuff gets nasty when she puts her food all in it and everything else. I have to have my babies clean and neat looking, with all their teeth brushed, smelling good and well taken care of. It is a necessity.

And an added Bonus- American Idol recap

Lisa - last night was the first night this girl really impressed me to the point where I would vote for her. I thought she looked great and did a really good job on the song. I felt so sorry for her when the judges just dogged her out. You could see the dissappointment on her face to the point where I just knew she was going to cry. I certainly did not think it was "painful" as Simon put it. I just think they don't like the contestants doing former winner's songs...

Taylor- liked the fact that he just sang. I love the entertainment part of him also, but it was nice just to see a singer for once. Next week he can go back to the entertainer. I did miss the "Whooooo".

Kellie- I did not like that song choice for her. She should have done something really gutsy. I was disappointed. I know she can do better.

Ace- I wasn't really impressed. For some reason, he is not doing it for me anymore.

Chris- I know this is his kind of music, but it was like he screamed most of the song. I would like to see a softer side to him and see what a ballad would sound like.

Mandisa- This girl could sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and would sound wonderful, so anything she sings is good. I just don't think she should have come out with the gospel song at this point. She still rocks and I love her but she is in a competition for pop singers. She's got to remember that and to NEVA EVVA wear jeans again....

Bucky- it sounded okay, not my favorite for him but he still is not good enough to make it another week. He should go home this week. I think Lisa's performance saved her tonight.

Kathryn- I just love her and she just sings so flawlessly. I think I enjoyed hers the most of last night.

Elliot- He was certainly no Bo Bice and I didn't like his version of it. I think it was gutsy to do a song Bo had done and the judges seemed to have liked it but it was blah for me.

My prediction: Bucky will go home, Ace, Bucky and Kellie or Elliot will be in bottom three. We'll see tonight.
posted by Staci @ 8:24 AM |

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