Monday, July 17, 2006

Exams, Prayers and Tears

First and foremost, please read this post from my friend CP and keep her and her little boy in your thoughts and prayers, send up good vibes, whatever you do. Please read about Nick.

Now that you've talked to the computer screen and the person next to you thinks you are an idiot(but for a very good cause)- go home and kiss your kids and hold them tight. We are not assured tomorrow, so tell them you love them today. Man, now I'm all teary eyed, cause my two girls left at 5am this morning for church camp. They will be back at 1am Friday morning. Hubby and I got up at 4am and they were dressed and ready to go. We came our lazy asses back home and crawled back in the bed. I didn't even know when he left for work this morning. I was out! Although I think I may have been ravished or something because I went to sleep with clothes on, woke up without them. I vaguely remember something..... ah, oh yea. Okay, I was a willing participant, just sleepy as hell.

Anyhow, I really shouldn't be blogging right now, I should be memorizing the ISSLC Standards for my graduate comprehensive exams I have in 2 hours, but if my friend CP can blog for 24 hours straight for charity, I can blog one short one in between brain malfunctions. I really am getting too old for this studying bullshit. But until I really figure out what I want to be when I grow up, I'll continue to fry those little brain cells, one test at a time. So send some good vibes, thoughts or prayers up for a sista who is still sleepy and drinking coffee like its the last beverage on Earth.

Okay, now for a little drama going on in my life. My sister-in-law, Studmuffin's sister has been struggling with alcoholism since she was about 15 or 16. She is around 21 or 22 now. She has a precious little girl, H. that we haven't seen in about 5 years, and she is only 5 1/2. H's dad took her away to Washington state when she was only a few months old. He's no upstanding citizen, addicted to drugs but at one point was more stable than SIL. Anyhow, long story short, we haven't laid our hands on this child in 5 years and her and her dad end up on the street in WA, so my mother in law sends them a bus ticket to come here. Dad leaves her here with SIL and goes to Arkansas. Now, SIL is trying to get to know this child and trying to kick her habit, hold down a job selling snocones and going to vocational school. She is a brilliant girl, but let alcohol ruin her life.

So, I'm putting H at my school so I can be there for her and help out with transportation, etc. Now, we are all running around trying to find her some clothes, toys, shoes, uniforms, etc. so she can start school. She came here with very little. Not even a Barbie doll. She is beginning to open up to us a little bit, even came swimming and talked to me a little yesterday. Poor kid has been through hell and I don't see an end in sight. Needless to say, in my "wanting to save every child from a shitty life" mentality, I am already seeing us doing more than just helping out in the future. Oh I hope SIL can straighten up, but it hasn't happened before so why should a 5 year old make a difference when she didn't at 5 months old. But we are being optimistic here. Hoping for the best, but if it doesn't happen, I will open my home and heart to this child. Studmuffin knows it too and though he says we can't take on another mouth to feed, I see the hurt in his eyes when he sees her. He too will open our home and his heart up to her if and when she needs us to. I want to be a positive influence in this child's life. I have always loved her, and longed to have her in our lives again. I know that God will take care of her, though. So in the mean time, I will do what I can. But if you don't mind, send up a prayer to our little Haley- she needs all she can get.

Oh, and if you haven't had a chance to look at my new grandbabies, take a look at them here. Warning, many "awwwwws" and "how sweets" and "oh how cute" and "I gotta have one"s are in store!

Hope everyone has a great week and don't forget to pray for Nick and CP. I'll keep you posted, or better yet, keep reading her blog. She will crack you up- when she's not worried sick about her child....

I will pass these freaking comps...I will pass these freaking comps...I will pass these freaking comps.... I can do it, yes I can!!!!
posted by Staci @ 8:10 AM |

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