Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Ticked Off
I am so mad right now I could spit nails. I am taking an internet class, supposed to be a very high level graduate course- with a number 683 and a name like Organization and Administration of Special Ed, you would think this course was really something. Well, we use blackboard- for all you non college peeps, it is a new age tech to do homework and check grades, converse with professor, etc.Anyhow, this class has been a joke all semester long. Who knows what is up with the professor, since she is supposed to be "one of the best". So, we've had two whole assignments all semester. To do some case studies which took about an 20 minutes each and there were 6 of them to do. Done. The classmates and I have been wondering- okay, do we call her and ask if we have anything else to do or what. We decided that it is not our place to ask for assignments, so we haven't talked to her.
We haven't heard from her since OCTOBER 28th- that is 36 days. This week is the end of finals. She posts on blackboard yesterday (but doesn't bother to email us and let us know she came out from under a rock to give us a final assignment). Do you know what she wants us to do? There are two parts to the final, the first part is some more case studies- no problem. The second is to take all (the entire classes) correspondence on Blackboard for the entire semester and compile it in a notebook to give to her. Did she fall out of a tree? What kind of assignment is that? She has already graded the info we sent her and has it at her fingertips on BB. I think it is just busy work and I am pissed off!
She waits till 3 days before finals to do this. Do you know how much ink that is going to take. I am talking pages upon pages. Probably 100 or more.
I really want to go talk to the dean but I have another class under her and don't want to screw that up. So what should I do?
posted by Staci @ 6:12 AM |