Monday, May 01, 2006
Bitchin, Moanin and Groanin!
Okay, I don't like bitchin and whining to people I don't even really know but here it goes. I know people are reading and just lurking around........SOIF YOU TAKE THE TIME TO READ MY BLOG LEAVE A FREAKIN COMMENT EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE SO I AM NOT JUST WRITING TO MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I'm not a comedian and I don't make you pee your pants on a regular basis, but damn, give a girl a break!! So my life is boring. Tell me so. So you think I suck. So tell me so. So you think I'm brilliant- tell me so, I can handle it!!! I'm a big girl.
I just get sick of reading everybody elses comments and not have a blasted ONE on mine! I lurk some too-but I try to at least say hi. I try to keep things fresh and post frequently, unlike SOME people (won't mention any initials like a big fat K and J and G) who wait weeks to post and you keep checking back over and over to read the same freakin headline. Just help me here people!!!
Okay, this bitchin post is over.
If I get some response, I may be back.
If not, I'm going on strike.............
posted by Staci @ 7:11 PM |