Thursday, September 15, 2005

Is Everybody I Know in a Funk too???

I haven't blogged in over a week, not because I had nothing to say, not because I didn't think of a million things I wanted to get off my chest, but because I literally have not had time to sit down, think, then compose what I want to get off my chest.

I have been so busy at work that I barely have time to catch my breath, especially since one of my paraprofessionals has been out with her ill mother. We work so well together and are all in such sync with one another that we could probably complete each other's sentences. We just have it together and they take so much of the burden off of me in the evenings so I can settle down and try to do a little catching up or studying. Nope, no time for that lately. Thank goodness our quiz last night was open study guide or I would have flunked it big time.

That subject brings me to my funk. I am in a funk, not really upset, no anxiety attacks, not just happy and carefree, just a "i don't want to or I really don't give a care" funk. I hate being in one of these, because it seems everyone around me either ends up in one too or they are already in one and theirs has seeped into my body like a bloodborne disease. Why is that?

I usually love going to school, if not the act of going, the enjoyment I get out of learning something new and edgy or realizing that I actually do know some of this stuff. Not this semester. I literally have to talk myself (okay threaten myself) into going each week and actually have to prod myself to stay awake and participate, pretending that I care. Take my history class for instance, this chic gives us a quiz each week on 2 chapters (which are about 50 pages each), plus in the midst of working full time and balancing work, school and a family, expects us to read a novel, write a book report and give a power point presentation on it. But no, that couldn't be enough, then we have a 17 page scholarly written research paper with a mandatory 20 sources. I don't care enough about history to even read my textbook, much less go find 20 sources and research a topic that I can drag out 17 pages for. Oh and did I mention the comprehensive midterm and final? This is just one class now, this doesn't include the other two courses I am taking.

I just feel totally overwhelmed. Here lately, it seems as though I want to just lay down and cry, not do anything with anybody and just be a hermit. I am also down about my delay (again) with my reconstructive surgery. I should be going to New Orleans today and having surgery tomorrow, but at this point, I can't even find my doctor, much less have surgery. The last I heard, the hospital where his office is had 47 bodies that had been found. I am sure his office personell and he is alright since they were on the 4th floor but who knows when the hospital will be back to having "elective" surgeries, as they are calling mine. Like I have much of a choice, either run around with this big fat mound with hills and valleys and stomach skin attached in the shape of an upside down light bulb. Call it elective if you want, but I want to look NORMAL!

Then I feel guilty for feeling down because I can't have my boobies worked on and all these people are devastated and have nothing and here I am worried about a research paper and new boobies....

I wish B would come up and we could go throw our funks in the Ouachita River and go shopping or go to Daily Harvest for an all natural, sugar free cookie that is to die for and a cappucino or something. Beignets, for some reason I am really wanting some beignets, Cafe DeMonde style...shame on me. Yes, I know you can by the box at WalMart now, but it is just not the same. J, lets talk her into getting her butt up here and doing some good girly stuff.....funk free!
posted by Staci @ 9:53 AM |


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