Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Where is the Big Mac Truck that ran over me?

I have what I call, "The Crud", which is the only name I can have to describe the feeling of my face feeling like someone punched my lights out. Itchy, watery, stinging eyes, a pounding headach, a nose like a faucet with a permanent drip and just an all over feeling of BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!!!

I had to take off yesterday because we had all day meetings and I just wouldn't have made it with this pounding in my head. I went to the doctor and he gave me these humongous bigger than a horse pills which get stuck in my throat and make me feel like I am choking to death. I guess if I stop breathing it will get rid of my achiness and other symptoms. I wonder if that was the whole point...hmmnnn

My doctor is Asian and has this thick accent and talks so fast that you can't understand him and he looks in my ears and nose and says "oooh, you ha' bad, bad infeshun- you not feel too dood, huh" I love him to death and he gets you in and out of there in a flash, even without an appt. Plus he gave me all my meds as samples. Thank goodness!

So I am back today and don't feel like doing anything, but if and when I ever get to have my surgery, I will need the days. I still have not heard from my doctor in New Orleans and don't even think they can get in the hospital yet (where his office is). I am hoping that if he can't get to me for a long while that he will refer me to another PS so I can finish what he started. The pain and soreness is getting worse and I really need to get this dead tissue out!
posted by Staci @ 9:40 AM |


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