Friday, September 16, 2005

prima facie...

means on its face presumed to be true unless otherwise disproven by contrary evidence

Now, I have 108 of these terms to learn and can't spell half of them.

Certiorari is pronounced sersh-oh-rare-ee, don't ask me what it means, it a mile long and I don't want to waste your time or mine. Unless you are a lawyer, you will probably never need it.

Now why do I need to know all these terms just to be able to be an education supervisor? It's like having to take art appreciation to be a P.E. teacher or having to take basket weaving to be a dental hygienist- who the heck cares.

That's how these universities get their money, they make you take all this unnecessary crap instead of getting right to the point, teaching you what you need to know and getting done with it. So sad

Needless to say, I don't want to study, I'd rather be having a double root canal than be studying this crap. ugh....

Back to writing my words on green flourescent note cards (since they say that it helps with memory retention).....i'm gonna need all the help I can get!
posted by Staci @ 11:15 AM |


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